Welcome. My name is Viyan Idan. I offer body centered psychotherapy sessions, mentoring and movement workshops, all rooted in the method of Somatic Experiencing. Physically based in Gothenburg, I work mostly online where we can meet in Swedish, English and French.

This website is a work in progress, so please do come again. Next time you find your way here, it might not be what it is now. Sign up for the newsletter to be kept up to speed.

Ps: Cred to Linda who is my personal inspiration in the way she shares her gifts with the world. You can find her here.

Somatic Experiencing

Stress and/or trauma on an individual level is one of the main factors to many of today’s frequent health issues. Contact me for a therapy session if you are struggling with chronic pain & illness, PTSD, anxiety, burn out and/or exhaustion, minority stress, recovery after an accident and/or surgery and identity & self-esteem questions…

In a session we might use conversation, movement, touch, visualisation and integrating educative information. This will depend on what we find together is both needed and approachable for you. 

Mentoring sessions

Sila mentoring sessions are meant for “people who work with people” (e.g. psychologists, doctors, nurses or social workers). Each session will offer tools and practices supporting your capacity to clear communication, prioritising efficiently, translating your compassion into sustainable action, managing your energy-levels or actively working on knowing your biases, blind spots and unconscious “doing” patterns in relation to your profession.

Movement education

الحركة بركة - Haraka Baraka- Movement is a blessing

Sila movement workshops and courses are created with a hope and aim to offer mainly two things; To widen your capacity for the lived experience of life. And to support you finding an anchor in that felt sense. This means actually feeling your thoughts and emotions, not only intellectually being able to describe and explain them. It means to know how to orient in those felt feelings during the times when they overwhelm you.

Movement is your/our first language. Imagine a world where we get to be fluent in it.

SILA is the inuit word for “interconnectedness of all phenomena”.

By profession I am a health psychologist specialised in stress and trauma, which in my case also translates into being specialised in resilience and somatic intelligence.

I am a trained and certified Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Mindfulness based cognitive therapy facilitator and a Body Mind Centering and Embodied Flow trained yoga teacher.

I am fascinated by social psychology, convinced about the interconnectedness & interdependence of all life on this planet. I am guided by the idea that finding our personal way of being in relationship with the world, is the main key to wellbeing.

Both interconnectedness and interdependence are those types of big words that can say everything and nothing at all. To specify, in this context, I am referring to the understanding that YOUR personal wellbeing and OUR societal structures, social justice and climate work are inseparable. It is not let's “do/solve” this first and then… As we focus on the individual side, we are also creating and effecting the collective level and vice versa. My invitation and intention is to do that as consciously as possible.